There are some things you dont do on your job... And taking selfies with celeb is one of it.
Even though it was her fault for trippn’ off of seeing him and making the wrong move by taking a selfie with him on company time, Euroweb reported that all is well.
– Genesha Bradley-Douglas – a bus/shuttle driver for National car rental, saw comedian Kevin Hart at LAX and proceeded to jump off her vehicle and take a selfie with the funny guy. Unfortunately for her, one of the TMZ photogs, somehow as they usually do, documented the whole thing on video for the bemusement of viewers.
Well, as it turns out the suits at National were NOT amused. Nope, it didn’t long for higher-ups at the company to issue a suspension to Bradley-Douglas. After all, she did break the rules.
Kevin Hart, may be a lil’ funny guy, but dude has a big, big ol’ heart; he fought for Genesha to get her job back.
Hart personally made an Instagram video asking National to give Genesha another chance and by golly, they listened and did!
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